Lead CyberSecurity Professional Certificate - LCSPC™ Exam Voucher

CertiProf® is now offering the professional certification in Cybersecurity, Lead Cybersecurity Professional Certificate - LCSPC™, where you will learn the fundamental concepts of Cybersecurity and implement the practice of protecting systems, networks and programs from digital attacks. These cyber-attacks generally aim to access, change or destroy confidential information; extort money from users; or interrupt normal business processes.

The implementation of effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people, and the attackers are becoming more innovative. This certification will help you understand the basic functions of a security framework and the importance of establishing cybersecurity to protect information based on the three pillars of data security.

The source of this certification is the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Version 1.1 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework April 16, 2018.

Learning Objectives

  • Fundamental Concepts of Cybersecurity NIST 1.1 (Cybersecurity Framework)
  • Introduction to cybersecurity framework.
  • Risk management and the cybersecurity framework.
  • Implementation of the cybersecurity framework.
  • Establish or improve communicative cybersecurity.
  • Methodology to protect privacy and civil liberties.
  • Self-assessment of cybersecurity risk with the framework.


    Audience Profile

    Anyone interested in expanding their knowledge to learn more about the importance of cybersecurity and learn how to avoid all types of threats, that put at risk the information that is processed, transported, and stored on any device.

    Exam Details

  • Format: Multiple choice.
  • Questions: 40.
  • Language: English / Spanish.
  • Pass Score: 24/40 or 60%
  • Duration: 60 minutes maximum.
  • Delivery: This examination is available Online.
  • Supervised: It will be at the Partner’s discretion.

CertiBanks Notes :

  • once purchase complete, you will have access to official training material, sample exam.
  • You will have two attempts within 180 calendar days after you receive your initial welcome email to pass the test at no cost.
  • Exam Voucher will be sent to your email within 72 hours
Lead CyberSecurity Professional Certificate - LCSPC™ Exam Voucher

99.99 USD

150 USD
33% off